Intro Module

Welcome, Creator!

I'm honoured that you are here.

Golden Themes to explore:

  • Messy action comes first. Clarity comes second.

  • You are your own brand.

  • It’s easier to show up in your business when you are being yourself.

  • You are ready. This isn’t about adding more knowledge, but integrating what you already know.


My Style, Your Style

Golden Themes to explore:

  • The words you use create culture.

  • Look for the cosmic winks in life.

  • Self sabotaging patterns are actually programs of protection.

  • Triggers are our mirrors.

  • Become obsessed about learning about other people’s processes, similar to becoming obsessed with an album from our favourite musician.

    Take what you need, integrate what you learn and keep on keeping on.

  • Your ripple effect is real.


About Your Instructor (Optional Bonus Video)

Golden Themes to explore:

  • Being an amateur is a good thing because it means doing something for the love of it.

  • Through the process of sharing your voice, you find your voice.

  • Your pain becomes your power.

  • Marketing with authenticity allows you to find your quantum pals.

  • Everything effects everything.

  • You are not your art. You are so much more than that.

  • You have a unique voice. It has a unique place in the choir of life.


The Lowdown on the Homework

Please look out for the downloadable Creator Exercises (PDFs) at the end of each Module. :)

(This Module does not contain any specific exercises.)

Posted on May 30, 2020 .

Module 1 – The Brain, The Body, The Creator

The Great Paradox of Success

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • An aspect of what being a Creator means is that you create possibility and abundance into existence.

  • Creating leads to confidence and is the antidote to comparison.

  • Entrepreneurial success comes from holistic body nourishment and emotional care.

  • The more scared our ancestors were the more likely they were to survive. (We’ve inherited their fearful patterning and DNA.)

  • Be kind and compassionate with yourself with your own fears around exploring the unknown – sharing your voice and art with the world.

  • Your body loves you!

The Growth Checklist:

1. Collect no’s

2. Say no

3. Go out of your way to do simple acts that make you feel uncomfortable.

4. Turn off your phone notifications

5. Do one thing at a time.

6. Fail often.

7. Release expectation.

8. Visualize your day ahead of you.

9. Always laugh at your life, don’t judge it.

10. Do the CSP Method


The Hero’s Journey

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • Improbability/synchronicities may point to our life’s purpose.

  • Our beliefs define the lens in which we view life and how we learn.

  • How can we reframe disempowering beliefs that we’ve picked up along life’s way, and turn them into empowered ones?

  • Life’s challenges are opportunities to discover our power and our heroic journey.

  • You have a 100% success rate of getting through the hard times.

  • Though putting yourself out there as a Creator may be uncomfortable at times; however our mission is greater than all our fears combined.


The CSP Method

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • The subconscious mind as proof for unconditional love.

  • The Sympathetic Nervous System protects us from danger. We want to pair up with it so that it feels safe to explore the growth and courageous opportunities present in the unknown.

  • The Parasympathetic Nervous System can be activated through a process called havening.

  • (This is the process of gently and lovingly caressing your skin with your fingers.)

  • EFT is based on the Meridian Points (nerve clusters) found in the body.

    This helps us gain access to The Vagus Nerve (which sends information/create new neural pathways in our brains.)

  • Through our breath and The CSP Method, we slow down our brain waves and enter more suggestible states.

  • Putting your phone on airplane mode before bed (and until after your morning practice is complete) is your new best friend. ;)

  • Having self confidence isn’t a bad thing, it enables you to fuel your mission.

Your CSP Practice: 

Every morning upon rising, use the washroom, drink water and then sit in your favourite quiet spot. 

With your phone still on airplane mode, set a timer (a sonically pleasant one) for Step 1, and then again for Step 2. 

1. Breathe for 5-10 minutes, just focussing on your breath. Inviting gratitude and a smile, if that feels good. 

2. Decide or Improvise Your Creator Identity Statements as you do The CSP Method. (10-20 minutes.)

The general rule is to not get up from your spot until you feel the result of your embodied identity.

Note: Study and memorize the Emotional Freedom Technique that will be used as the foundation for this practice. (Found in the next video.)


The Emotional Freedom Technique

Practice along with this video until you get the hang of it. After you learn the routine, feel free to make it your own during your morning CSP practice.


Conscious Linguistics and Story Reframing

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • You aren’t bad at certain things, you just haven’t been excited to learn and build a relationship with that specific practice.

  • You don’t suck at remembering people’s names, you just haven’t cared enough until now to invest time into choosing who’s names you want to commit to memory.

    Make it a game. Challenge one another and give yourself and your brain bank some cred!

  • Your language leads your life.


Mindful Movements for The Online Entrepreneur

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • How many minutes per day are you committed to with moving your body?

  • What will that look like for you?

  • What does your power pose look like?


An Introduction to The 5 Creator Types

Golden Themes to Explore:

Knowing where you are at in your journey and which artistic archetypes you carry within, helps you have greater compassion and self awareness for the stage you are currently in and where you would like to go.

These are The 5 Creator Types:

1. The Closet Creator

2. The Newbie Creator

3. The Established Creator 

4. The Epic Creator 

5. The Amateur Creator

Which one/s describe you?


Creator Exercises

Click on the links to download below

  1. My Identity Statements

  2. Busting Loose from The Human Game

  3. Conscious Empowered Reframing

  4. After you view the Conscious Empowered Reframing document, on a separate piece of paper, fold it in half vertically, and on the left side write a list of thoughts or disempowered statements you may have said about yourself up until now. On the right hand side of the page, reframe these statements to be empowered ones. Dig deep. Be a little mad scientist explorer and shed those old layers of thinking with a lot of love and conscious awareness.

Posted on May 30, 2020 .

Module 2 – Mindset Mastery

Show Up & Share

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • Your content isn’t for you, it’s for your audience.

  • Your audience already exists. They are just waiting for you to show up as you are.


Your Why

Golden Themes to Explore:

Questions to ask yourself before creating and posting content.

The Why Check List

  1. What outcome am I looking for?

  2. How do I want to make audience feel?

  3. What do they need to hear right now?

  4. How do I want them to engage with me?

  5. Am I posting this for me or for others right now?

  6. Is this valuable?

  7. Is this relevant to my brand, business or body of work?

  8. What is my Call To Action?

  9. Would I want to read this/watch this?

  10. Is this piece of content representing truth?


Embodied Confidence

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • Decide what the Key Performance Indicators are in your day.

  • Confidence comes from showing up to the rituals and routines that you create for yourself.

  • Use your environment to remind yourself who you are.

  • Confidence and clarity comes from taking messy action.

  • Confidence lives within you. Keep showing up to it.


Social Media Mindset Mastery

Golden Themes to Explore:

Media Mindset Mastery Checklist

  1. Redefine the symbol of your phone or “The Video Camera”

  2. It gets to go your way. You are in the director’s chair.

  3. You Create The Avatar (Pretend that the audience is your best friend.)

  4. Assume everyone loves you.

  5. Preach it and never look back.

  6. No one is looking at your content under a microscope like you are.

  7. You are building the muscle of momentum and confidence every time you share your voice online.

  8. You Doing it anyway IS the medicine.

  9. Would I rather post and get a little uncomfortable, or work for someone else?

  10. Identify the worst case scenario.

  11. It’s not about you anymore.

  12. People love REAL, imperfect content.


Social Media Mental Health

Golden Themes to Explore:

  • Define where you want to get natural dopamine hits, so we don’t rely on only getting dopamine from social media.

  • Celebrate the small wins in your day to build up dopamine associations with empowered activities.

  • Trust your content and trust yourself. Post what YOU like.

  • Eliminate posts that create FOMO for others. Be present in your life.


Creator Exercises

Click on the links to download below

  1. Your Why

Posted on May 29, 2020 .